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Casa Clima

Sustainable building certification

CasaClima is an energy certification system driven by a very clear philosophy: to renovate and construct buildings with the aim of reducing running costs, limit the impact of human activity and help protect the environment.
CasaClima does not establish a particular architectural style, but an energy category.
A CasaClima home has higher-than-average interior comfort levels, which makes it possible to reduce the consumption of energy, limit the consumption of resources and boost well-being in the home, thus helping to contain climate change.

This benefits both our pocket and the environment.

What is CasaClima Welcome certification?
Along with the sustainability of the building, the Welcome certification takes account of other ecological, economic and social aspects.

It assesses criteria such as waste management, the use of efficient lightbulbs and home appliances, the use of local produce, sustainable mobility and logistics, monitoring the consumption of resources and the measures taken to boost quality of life.

CasaClima Welcome quality certification assesses the sustainability of a building based on the following indicators:
- overall energy efficiency of the building
- environmental impact of the construction materials used
- efficient use of water
- high air quality and low-emission materials
- measures for protection from radon gas
- use of natural light
- acoustic comfort

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